Height: 26 1/2"
Weight: 19 lbs, 8 oz.
The highlight of this month was that Riley had his first tooth come in! He now has the two bottom front teeth in, and LOVES to bite. Riley is still eating his three meals a day, as well as bottles. He also has a new snack (Rice Rusks) that he enjoys gumming on. Riley's favorite food is applesauce. He learned how to escape from his car seat, or any chair for that matter. Riley has an obsession with Cookie Monster. He is still not crawling, but is rolling absolutely everywhere! He'll get onto his knees and rock back and forth, but won't crawl. One of the not so good things that happened this month was that Riley got his first ear infection. He was on antibiotics for nearly three weeks just to get rid of it. Riley got to go to Tulsa this month to see family, and enjoyed visiting with his cousin, Caroline, when she came for a visit. Riley is still sleeping through the night. He is really starting to develop his own little personality. Jon and I just love him so much, and are so glad he's in our lives!
The Adventures Of Our Little Family Of Three
Monday, March 29, 2010
Ye Olde Medieval Fair
This past weekend went by so fast! Kellie & Kenny stayed with us this past Friday night, after they drove into town for the Thunder vs. Lakers game. It was fun just sitting around talking with them. Saturday was really cold, windy and rainy here in Norman. So, Jon and I decided to rent a movie (Up In The Air) and relaxed at home. Because Sunday was such a gorgeous day, we decided to take little Riley to the annual Medieval Fair in Norman. It seems like this event grows more each year.....and there are a lot of people that really get into playing their characters. We met up with my dad and his girlfriend, and people-watched ate and walked around to see all of the interesting things. We got to see a real wedding too....medieval themed of course. Although I personally am not into dressing-up in medieval garb, I still find it entertaining to see others do it. Some were on the weird side.....others just wore really nice costumes. I swear I saw Merlin the Magician....and a green dragon with a chain around its neck. Even though the medieval fair was different, it was a fun experience. We will definitely go again next year! Riley did get into the spirit though....as Grandpa Jeff got him a jester hat. I'm sure Riley will love this picture when he's about 16. :)
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
To Tulsa for Jon & Kellie's Birthdays
This past weekend we packed up and drove to Tulsa for a fun-filled birthday weekend/visit with family and friends. Jon turned the big two-nine on Monday. Our good friend Kellie had a birthday on March, 16. So, we all decided we should get together and have a joint-birthday-party-dinner for Jon and Kellie. We ate at 'In the Raw', a delicious restaurant in Tulsa, known for having wonderful sushi. (I'm not a sushi fan, and got a steak instead, but it was awesome!) After a nice dinner, we went out for a few drinks. The night was so much fun....despite the 5 inches of snow Tulsa got that night (Even though it was 70 degrees the day before). Jon had a blast, and got an I-Phone as his birthday gift....he's pretty much infatuated with it. We made it back to Norman Sunday evening, and are still trying to unpack all of the stuff we I took to Tulsa. (I tend to over-pack.) Here are a few pictures from the birthday night, some are a bit crazy.
I cannot believe that Easter is next Sunday! Didn't we just celebrate New Year's like a few weeks ago?! Time is flying by! On another note: Riley has an ear-infection. :( But, he's a trooper, and he's getting through it.
Thanks to Kellie for cooking a wonderful meal for us on Friday night! She is an awesome cook! Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!
I cannot believe that Easter is next Sunday! Didn't we just celebrate New Year's like a few weeks ago?! Time is flying by! On another note: Riley has an ear-infection. :( But, he's a trooper, and he's getting through it.
Thanks to Kellie for cooking a wonderful meal for us on Friday night! She is an awesome cook! Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!
Monday, March 15, 2010
A Visit From The Millers...
This past weekend was so busy and so much fun! My sister Allie, brother-in-law Kenton, and precious niece Caroline came to Oklahoma City for a visit. We had dinner over at dad's house on Friday night....mmmmm, ribs and brisket! On Saturday morning, my sister decided she and I would go to "Zumba" together. (Zumba is an intense, high-energy aerobics class). I only lasted about 35 minutes, but Allie did the class for 45 minutes. That class wore me out! If you want a great workout that is fun....give Zumba a try. After a couple of hours to heal my body, we all drove to Okarche, Oklahoma to eat at Oklahoma's oldest bar: Eischen's. Eischen's is quite a popular place....Any restaurant that is packed with people at 3:00 in the afternoon, and just happens to be in the middle of nowhere must be doing something right. Eischen's is known for serving the MOST fabulous fried chicken you've ever eaten. It is simply delicious....like falls of the bone and melts in your mouth kind of delicious. (Sorry if I'm making you drool). Their fried okra and chili-cheese nachos are also sinfully awesome. The restaurant was featured on the Food Network show "Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives"....as if the place needed more followers. Needless to say....everyone had a good time, and nobody left the restaurant hungry.

Sunday was a bit more relaxed. I decided to take Riley for a walk, and sort of ended up at our neighborhood park, and let Riley experience his first time in a park swing. I think he liked the swing...but he couldn't keep his eyes off of the other, bigger, kids climbing on the play-gym. I think he wanted me to let him loose...as if he could climb that thing at this point! Oh well....soon enough, I suppose.
Jon, Riley, Daisy and I are heading to Tulsa this weekend for a fun-filled joint birthday celebration for Jon and Kellie (a close friend). I'll be sure to post pictures of the birthday event. Here is a picture of Riley, Caroline, Allie and I. We were in the Easter spirit! (I cannot believe how much Riley has grown!)
Side Note: Isn't my niece gorgeous? She is even more precious in person.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Wedding Web Page
Here is the link to our Wedding Web Page, via 'The Knot'. We hope you'll check it out for information on our upcoming nuptials. Enjoy!
It's Fun to Stay at The YMCA!
My apologies if you now have that song stuck in your head. Last week, Jon and I decided to join the YMCA in Norman. The company I work for is doing a health campaign, and has been gracious enough to pay for majority of the monthly costs for it's employees to have memberships to the YMCA. The first workout felt great! Jon and I did the elyptical for our fifteen minutes of cardio. We also tried out several pieces of gym equipment.....our favorite is the ab-crunch. Meanwhile, Riley stayed in the YMCA nursery, and got to play with all kinds of fun toys! Unfortunately, Riley was bitten on the nose while in the nursery.....but he has recovered! Working out is a great start to living a healthier life, but we know that we need to incorporate healthy eating habits into the mix as well. Jon and I eat lots of whole wheat items, and chicken. The biggest challenge, for me at least, is giving up soda drinks. I'm a little addicted to Coca-Cola......it's been my late-afternoon guilty pleasure for far too long. Hopefully, we can get into a routine with our workouts, and have fun getting healthier! Here are some links to a few websites I have found helpful in our journey to become healthier:
Spark People
The Biggest Loser
This video is sort of hilarious, so I thought I'd share:
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Riley Blaine - Six Months
Height: 26 1/2"
Weight: 17 lbs. 8 oz.
Riley was introduced to baby food in his sixth month. He absolutely loves baby food! (No surprise there) Riley eats three meals a day, and 3 bottles a day. Each meal consists of a bowl of rice cereal/oatmeal, and either a fruit or vegetable to go with it. So far, Riley's favorite foods are fruits....he'll eat vegetables, but you have to be careful because he likes to let the veggies fill his entire mouth, and instead of swallowing, he spits them out at full-force. :) Jon and I have learned not to wear white, when feeding Riley. Riley's favorite foods are: prunes, applesauce, sweet potatoes and pears. Riley discovered how to use his legs to bounce himself up-and-down in his bouncer. Apparently he thinks anything he sits in bounces, because he tries to bounce in his high-chair too. He is so close to crawling, it's not even funny! Riley likes to roll all around and tease the dog. He hasn't quite figured out how to crawl on his knees yet, so he does this army crawl, where he pushes himself forward with his toes....it's actually quite amusing! Riley went to see his pediatrician this month, and had a hay-day looking at himself in the mirror in the exam room. He got 4 shots, and didn't even cry! He's such a tough guy. One of our good friends, Charles, babysat the little guy for us a few weekends ago. So nice of him! Thank goodness Riley was well-behaved that day. Teething has become more prominent in our house. Riley hasn't had any teeth come in yet, but we can see them under his gum-line. I have this horrible feeling they'll all come in at once, but let's hope not! Riley got to go to his first OU Men's Basketball game this month, and he loved it!
Height: 26 1/2"
Weight: 17 lbs. 8 oz.
Riley was introduced to baby food in his sixth month. He absolutely loves baby food! (No surprise there) Riley eats three meals a day, and 3 bottles a day. Each meal consists of a bowl of rice cereal/oatmeal, and either a fruit or vegetable to go with it. So far, Riley's favorite foods are fruits....he'll eat vegetables, but you have to be careful because he likes to let the veggies fill his entire mouth, and instead of swallowing, he spits them out at full-force. :) Jon and I have learned not to wear white, when feeding Riley. Riley's favorite foods are: prunes, applesauce, sweet potatoes and pears. Riley discovered how to use his legs to bounce himself up-and-down in his bouncer. Apparently he thinks anything he sits in bounces, because he tries to bounce in his high-chair too. He is so close to crawling, it's not even funny! Riley likes to roll all around and tease the dog. He hasn't quite figured out how to crawl on his knees yet, so he does this army crawl, where he pushes himself forward with his toes....it's actually quite amusing! Riley went to see his pediatrician this month, and had a hay-day looking at himself in the mirror in the exam room. He got 4 shots, and didn't even cry! He's such a tough guy. One of our good friends, Charles, babysat the little guy for us a few weekends ago. So nice of him! Thank goodness Riley was well-behaved that day. Teething has become more prominent in our house. Riley hasn't had any teeth come in yet, but we can see them under his gum-line. I have this horrible feeling they'll all come in at once, but let's hope not! Riley got to go to his first OU Men's Basketball game this month, and he loved it!

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