Pregnancy Photos Over the Past Few Months

Wow....does it seem possible that I am really two weeks away from having this baby? I am 38 weeks pregnant, and as uncomfortable as you could imagine. :) The heartburn/indigestion keeps me up at night, and my hands and feet are so swollen, they hurt. Jon has been a trooper through it all. He helps out a lot around the house, and lets me relax, which is so nice. I am now going to the doctor once a week....although this last visit made me a little sad when she told me that she was "not impressed with my cervix". Apparently, my cervix has not thinned out yet, but should be in order to prepare for contractions. This really doesn't surprise me, after knowing that my sister and I arrived 2 weeks overdue, and my mom was in labor for over 30 hours with each of us. :) Mom, in case I haven't said it before, I'm really appreciative of all you went had to be awful being that overdue, and in labor for that long. My doctor assures me that I will not be in labor that long, and that the longest they will let me go over my due date is a couple of days. I'm not sure if we are looking at me being induced quite yet. Although, the closer I get to my due date, the more skeptical I become.

We are so anxious to see Riley! The nursery is completely setup, and all of his clothes/blankets have been washed and folded. The only fear that Jon and I have when it comes to parenting, is the OUTRAGEOUS cost of daycare. It has been quite difficult, to say the least, to find a suitable day care provider. I'll let you in on little secret...apparently, you have to start investigating daycares as soon as you find out you are pregnant. Well....needless to say, I have spent lots of time checking out different daycares, that could possibly get our child in at the time that we needed the care. I finally found a small catholic daycare in Norman, called St. Joseph's Early Childhood Development Center. It is very close to our house, and after touring the place, I fell in love with it. It was very important to me to find a daycare that employed teachers who really cared about the kids, not teachers who just came for a paycheck. I got on the waiting list for Riley to start attending in October. There is not a guarantee that he will get in. It all depends on the number of spots available in the infant room at that time. Wish us luck! Here is a link to their website....check it out if you'd like.

I am so sorry that I have not blogged in forever! So many things have been happening, and I want to try to update everyone on all of them. At the end of May, my little sister, Allison, got married! She and her husband, Kenton, are living in Owasso, Oklahoma, and she is also pregnant! She is due in December...which is exciting, because our children will be so close in age.

The month of June brought three awesome baby showers! The first was hosted by my step-mom and step-sister, BJ and Vanessa....held at my Dad's house. The food was amazing at this shower, and the cake was beautiful! I enjoyed seeing all my Norman/OKC friends there too!

The second baby shower was hosted by my friend, Danielle, where I work in Oklahoma City. I loved the diaper cake she made me! Also, she made the letters above that spell out "Riley". Also, another co-worker made a quilt for Riley. It was so neat! I work with really creative people!

The third baby shower was hosted by my best friends, Kellie and Leslie, who live in Tulsa. They did an amazing job! Everything was absolutely adorable, and perfectly planned out. I really think Kellie has a future in party planning! It was a fun baby shower, and I got to see all of my family and close friends. Kellie and her husband, Kenny, will be Riley's God Parents. Jon has known them for a long time, and Kellie and I have known each other for almost three years, and have become close friends, even though they live about an hour and a half away from us now.
Well everyone, this blog is incredibly long, so I'm going to wrap it up! Look for the next blog, which should have pictures and video of the nursery. I will keep you all updated on my status, as my next doctor's appointment is Thursday, July 16th. I plan to bring my laptop to the hospital with me, and will try to blog during labor, so that those of you who can't be there, will be there in spirit! As always, God Bless.