Jon went to Miami last week to attend the National Championship game with his best friend Derek. He said being in Florida was fun, but preferred not to talk about the football game, for obvious reasons. I'm glad he was able to go on one last "BOYS TRIP" before the baby comes.

Okay, a couple of days ago, Jon and I got to see the first ultrasound of the baby. It was amazing! I can't believe there is this little person growing inside of me. The funniest thing about this experience was the fact that the baby was moving so much! Jon continuously asked me if I could feel the baby moving, however, it's too early for me to feel kicking. It looks like we are going to have an active baby. There are so many things going on, sometimes it is a bit overwhelming, to think that in 6 months we will be parents. We also got to hear the heartbeat for the first time, and I almost cried....darn these pregnancy hormones. We are happy to report that the baby is healthy, and that all the blood tests came back as normal. I'm elated to not have any complications with this pregnancy, we are very lucky. We're also blessed to have such wonderful family and friends in our lives. A big thanks to Kellie, Kenny, Leslie, and Derek for being supportive. We couldn't do any of this without the support from those we love.
Yea! Very cute. We can't wait for the baby girl...or boy I guess.