This past weekend, Allie and Caroline came for a visit. Allie was in town giving her best-friend (Hailey) a baby shower, so she and sweet Caroline decided to stay with us Friday night. Riley and I met up with Allie, Caroline and Hailey downtown at the annual Oklahoma City Arts Festival. We had a blast! It was such a gorgeous day, and the kiddos really loved being outside. Allie and I have been going to the Arts Festival most of our lives, and each year it brings something exciting and new. The food is always amazing, and the art gets better and better. The gardens near the festival were blooming with gorgeous geraniums and pansies...and there was a great band playing down by the Myriad Botanical Gardens. Here are a few pictures of the scene...
Later that evening, after the kids were put to bed, Allie and I headed to The Mont for some much needed margaritas. Good ol' sister bonding time. Jon was nice enough to stay home and babysit.
Saturday was a full day of running around....I got my hair done FINALLY...and then went to Hailey's baby shower in Oklahoma City. It was so much fun, and the cake was adorable! We wish her well, and can't wait to meet Liam.
Sunday consisted of cleaning, laundry, etc. I did get to plant flowers in front of our house, while Jon detailed my car. (How nice of him!) Riley helped by being his adorable self....attempting to roll away in his walker. He's crawling faster now, and we really have to watch him all the time. I hope you are all doing well!
The Adventures Of Our Little Family Of Three
Monday, April 26, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
New Vehicle...
This past weekend, I bought a car to replace my totaled Toyota. I ended up buying a 2007 Chevy Equinox. Jon also has an Equinox, so I feel very comfortable with my choice. It is fully-loaded, with a sunroof, leather, and nice electronic touches. I'm so glad I was able to find an SUV that is in my budget. The good news is that it is $100 a month less than what I was paying for my Toyota. Score! But, perhaps the best news is that it is a safer, higher-off-the-ground vehicle. I feel much more protected in it, and I know that Riley will be safer in it too. I love having an SUV! (This picture isn't the exact one I bought....but looks the same, minus the sunroof)
Riley Crawls!!!
Riley surprised Jon and I yesterday, when he started crawling! I can't believe it...he is such a big boy! He sort of pulls himself across the floor, and goes after whatever toy he wants. He's already getting faster at it, and I'm sure we will have to watch him constantly. Jon and I were both in awe of our son crawling. It truly was one of those moments when being a parent feels so rewarding! However, at the same time, we are a little sad that our sweet boy is growing up so fast.
Monday, April 12, 2010
A Visit With Family...
This past weekend, Riley and I went to Tulsa to spend some time with G.G. Pat, Grandma Peggy and Aunt Allison. Saturday was a relaxed day of driving around and stopping at some garage sales. I got Riley some books for a quarter...he loves them! Mom and I ate some yummy Mexican food, and went shopping too.

Sunday was a full day of going out to my sister's house in Owasso, for a cookout. Riley really enjoyed seeing his beautiful cousin Caroline (whom is catching up to him in size). Ry and I drove home and were re-united with Daisy, and then we packed up and went out to look at cars. It's so much nicer to go to a car dealership when they're pesky salespeople to bother you! All in all, it was a great weekend, and we had fun.
On a side note, I just want to thank Jon for working a second job, in order to pay for our wedding. I don't know what I would do without him. He is the hardest working person I know. I love you honey!
While Riley and I were in Tulsa this weekend, we got a call from Jon (who had to stay in Norman for work), saying that Daisy came home! He was up at 6am getting ready for work, when he heard her collar jingling from the backyard. He opened the door and in she ran. Everything seems to be okay with her, but she has numerous ticks on I have been spraying repellent and giving her medicine to get rid of them. Poor Daisy! You can tell she definitely went exploring during the three days she was away from home. I don't think she'll ever run away again...or at least I hope not! We love her, and are SO happy that she is home!
Friday, April 9, 2010
It's Been A TERRIBLE Week...
Let's just say that this past week hasn't been so great. First, this happened: 87 year-old man got his foot stuck under his break pedal andrear ended slammed into the back of my car. My Toyota Camry (Preston) is a total loss. Thank goodness I am not upside-down on the loan, but it still hurts financially. Riley was NOT in the car, THANK YOU GOD. Jon hit his head on the dash, and he and I both went to the emergency room. We have appointments set for physical therapy, and are hoping to get well soon!
As if dealing with the wreck wasn't enough to deal with....our dog of one-year, Daisy, got out of our backyard on Wednesday and ran-away. We are so sad that she is gone. I posted fliers, but no calls about our baby girl. She had a collar on, with my phone number....hoping she is safe wherever she is. We love her.
Here's to hoping things will get better soon....and that our bad luck turns around. Sorry for this sad post. 87 year-old man got his foot stuck under his break pedal and
As if dealing with the wreck wasn't enough to deal with....our dog of one-year, Daisy, got out of our backyard on Wednesday and ran-away. We are so sad that she is gone. I posted fliers, but no calls about our baby girl. She had a collar on, with my phone number....hoping she is safe wherever she is. We love her.
Here's to hoping things will get better soon....and that our bad luck turns around. Sorry for this sad post.
Easter Sunday 2010
Last weekend we celebrated Riley's first Easter. My mom (Peggy) came to town, and we all went to Mass at St. Joseph's, and celebrated the day with a yummy ham dinner at home. We loved relaxing and celebrating the the rebirth of Jesus. Riley even got to visit the Easter Bunny! He didn't cry....but he looked really confused by such a brightly-colored animal holding him. Riley got two Easter Baskets, some nice toys, a book, and t-shirts. Here are some pictures of Riley celebrating the day. (Notice the picture where Riley's shoes are on the wrong feet....Oops!) We hope you all had a great holiday...we sure did!
Riley Blaine - Eight Months
Height: 27"
Weight: 22 lbs.
Riley is getting to be such a big boy! He is sleeping from 7:30pm to 6:30am....or later! He is starting to find toys in his crib to occupy him when he wakes up at 7:00am on Saturdays. Riley is eating rice cereal, fruits and vegetables...with a few bottles mixed in. He got to try some new fruits this month! He likes oranges and cherries (blended of course!) Riley also got to try mashed potatoes on Easter...He wasn't too sure about them. Riley started sitting up by himself this month, and got his third tooth! He is trying to stand on his legs more, and is putting weight on them. I'm sure it won't be long before he is pulling himself up, and then walking. Riley also drank juice out of a sippy-cup for the first time....his drink of choice is white grape juice. This has been a busy month for Riley, as he went to Tulsa twice, and celebrated his first Easter. Jon and I thank God everyday for blessing us with such an incredible little guy.
Height: 27"
Weight: 22 lbs.
Riley is getting to be such a big boy! He is sleeping from 7:30pm to 6:30am....or later! He is starting to find toys in his crib to occupy him when he wakes up at 7:00am on Saturdays. Riley is eating rice cereal, fruits and vegetables...with a few bottles mixed in. He got to try some new fruits this month! He likes oranges and cherries (blended of course!) Riley also got to try mashed potatoes on Easter...He wasn't too sure about them. Riley started sitting up by himself this month, and got his third tooth! He is trying to stand on his legs more, and is putting weight on them. I'm sure it won't be long before he is pulling himself up, and then walking. Riley also drank juice out of a sippy-cup for the first time....his drink of choice is white grape juice. This has been a busy month for Riley, as he went to Tulsa twice, and celebrated his first Easter. Jon and I thank God everyday for blessing us with such an incredible little guy.
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