Last weekend, Jon and I had the opportunity to attend a Halloween/Birthday Party for some friends in Norman. We had so much fun, and I thought I'd share a couple of pictures to show you our costumes. I was 'Little Red Riding Hood', and Jon was a 'Pimp'.
Riley stayed the night with Grandpa Jeff and Grandma BJ. He really enjoyed his time with them, and I don't think it hurt that they spoiled him rotten, and got him a 'Happy Meal' for dinner. It's always nice to get out of the house for a night out, but Jon and I both missed Riley so much, and agreed that things were just weird without him around. We love our little guy.
I was fumbling through pictures on my phone, and came across what has to be one of the most hilarious pictures I've ever taken of Riley. So, I thought I'd share it with all of you.
I'm guessing the thought going through his head was. " WHOA! What is this thing?! This has got to be the best food ever!! How do I get more?!" ;)
I love the donut picture! It looks huge compared to him!