Height: 24"
Weight: 13lbs, 2 oz
What a month! Riley has started to watch football with Daddy. GO SOONERS! Riley discovered how to grab/hold onto things this month. He continues to roll from his back to his side, and he has started cooing and baby talk. Riley started daycare this month, and is thriving! He really likes Ms. Debbie and Ms. Beth....and he has a little female playmate, who is one month older than him, whom he just adores. This was a fun month because Mommy, Daddy, Riley and Grandma Peggy all went to the pumpkin patch. We also made a trip to Tulsa to visit family and friends. It was so great to see Riley's Godparents (Kenny & Kellie). This month, Riley celebrated his first Halloween! He was dressed up as a tiger....and he helped Mommy hand out candy to all of the adorable little trick-or-treaters in our neighborhood. One very special memory of this month, was that Riley got to meet his Uncle Jordan for the first time! Uncle Jordan and Daddy went on a trip to Nebraska to see the Sooners play football. Unfortunately, we lost.....but I think the boys had fun anyway.

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