Well, as most of you know by now....It's a boy! We found out on February 23rd, that little Riley is a strong, and healthy baby boy. I must admit this was not a shock to me...call it mother's intuition. I had a feeling the baby was a boy, and Jon was of course convinced that he could only bear boys! Haha. I couldn't wait to buy little baby boy stuff. I bought the cutest pair of socks yesterday, that look like little tennis shoes, with laces and everything! I am so happy that we know that the baby is a boy for sure. Now I can call him Riley, instead of "it". I uploaded a video and several pictures from this ultrasound...I know they are fuzzy, but I will try to explain what each photo shows. On another note....I just found out that we did not get house #2. I am so upset! The person whose offer was accepted offered less for the house than Jon and I, but their realtor took zero commission, while our realtor took 5%....causing our offer to be lower by $500. I really never thought buying a home would be this awful! I just don't know what to do anymore...it is like a rollercoaster, up and down all the time. But, life goes on, and I'm sure we will find something that is right for us. We keep praying that God blesses us with a home of our own.
This picture is Riley's profile view, you can see his spine at the bottom, and head to the right of the screen.

This picture shows the bottom of Riley's butt, back of his legs, and in the midde, are his little boy parts.

This is another picture of Riley's boy parts...there is a little pointer to show where it is. This kid is not shy when it comes to having his picture taken down there! Haha, he had his legs open the whole ultrasound, as if to let us know for sure he is a boy!

This is a 4-D image of little Riley's head, and body from the side.

Another profile view of Riley, laying down, curling his legs up.

This is a picture of Riley's face....the bones glow, so it looks a bit skeletal.

Finally, here is a 3 second video of Riley, you may be able to see his little heart beating.