The Adventures Of Our Little Family Of Three

Friday, March 23, 2012

Buffalo, NY - 2011

We took a long-overdue trip to Buffalo, NY over the Thanksgiving holiday.

This was Riley's first plane ride, and Southwest was kind enough to make an announcement on the plane that "we had a first time flier on board, and would Riley Honan raise his hand..."

Unfortunately, our little turkey slept through that...However, we did get a first flight certificate for his baby book. He did pretty well on the airplane, but the 5 hour layover we had in Chicago was brutal!

It was very nice getting to see Jon's family and friends...especially since we hadn't been to Buffalo since 2007. Jon's sister, Melanie, and her boys entertained us, by taking us for a walk around South Buffalo...

Our Buffalo trip was filled with lots of eating as well...For Thanksgiving, we went to Jon's cousin, Julie's house and chowed down on a delicious Turkey with all the sides...

Jon's brother Jordan, and his girlfriend also cooked us a delicious meal...

The rest of the meals included various foods that Buffalo is known for. They've got the most amazing chicken wings, pizza and chicken finger subs! Riley loved the pizza especially...

I got to meet Jon's uncle, John, and his beautiful family. He and his wife, Lisa, have 8 children! All are well behaved and made us feel so welcome!

We also got to spend the night in a hotel overlooking Niagara Falls (thanks to Jon's mom!). It was beautiful, and we had a great time.

Our last night in Buffalo, Jon's mom, Audrey, gave us tickets to attend a Buffalo Sabres hockey game. We had so much fun! The people up north take their hockey very seriously...I compare it to our love for Oklahoma Football. I had to get in the spirit, and ended up purchasing a very stylish Buffalo Sabres hat...

After our ten day trip, we were exhausted and ready to head home. But, we had a fun time, and are so thankful to Jon's mom for letting us stay with her during our trip. We hope to visit again soon!

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