The Adventures Of Our Little Family Of Three

Monday, July 26, 2010

Riley Is Almost One?!?!

I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend! I thought I'd share this video with you all...It's a typical Saturday morning at our house. (Watching Sesame Street and Eating Cheerio's)

Jon and I can't believe our little boy will be One in just a few days. It truly does seem like he was just born. We're excited to celebrate Riley's Birthday on Saturday with close friends and family at our home. I'll be sure to upload pictures of the little guy on his First Birthday. Hope everyone has a great week!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Riley's Obsession...

Hello Everyone! I just thought I'd write a quick post sharing what Riley's been up to lately. Riley is getting ready for his first birthday in just under two weeks. He is on the transition from formula to milk, and seems to prefer the milk. Jon and I took him swimming over the weekend, and he got to splash around and kick his legs. For some reason, Riley has an obsession with our refrigerator. He can often be found in the kitchen, contemplating just how to open those heavy fridge doors. He's so silly! Here are a few pictures I took, while catching him in the act:

Oh, and we bought some of those cute diapers that look like blue you can see in the picture above. He is such a cutie!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

4th of July

Jon, Riley, Daisy and I packed up and headed to Tulsa for the three-day holiday weekend. We got to spend time with my mom, sister cousin and grandma...and some of our closest friends. As always, the weekend went by too fast, and we left Tulsa exhausted from all the festivities.

My mom was nice enough to babysit Riley while Jon and I went out to Baker Street with Kellie, Kenny, Sara, Ferrin, Leslie and John. We had a blast! It's always a fun time when our group of friends get together.

Grandma Pat was nice enough to host a 4th of July BBQ at her house, where we got to spend time with the adorable Caroline Miller (Riley's Cousin).

In about 7 months, Riley will have another new cousin to play with, as my sister Allie is pregnant with her second child. Jon and I watched the fireworks in Jenks...but opted not to include Riley, as we weren't quite convinced he was old enough to partake in those festivities. The weekend was cut short for me, as I had a paper, presentation and midterm exam to prepare for. School is going's moving fast, and I'm learning lots. I hope you all had a fabulous 4th of July...God Bless America, Land that I Love!

Riley Blaine - Eleven Months


Height: 30 1/2"
Weight: 22.5 lbs.

As Riley gets closer to turning a year old, he is starting to really become mobile. Jon and I have had a few tough nights, when Riley refuses to go to sleep...he'll just stand up in his crib and scream. It scares us that he may try to escape from the crib, and fall and hurt himself. When he does finally go to sleep, Riley is out from about 8pm to 6:30am, and does not like to be disturbed. Riley's eating habits have changed a bit, as he refuses to eat baby food, and insists on eating whatever Jon and I are having. He has eight teeth now, and can chew just about anything. His new favorite foods are corn, beans, smoked bologna, chicken nuggets and ground beef. Riley got to try his first McDonald's french fry, which he of course loved.

He is able to pull up on anything and everything in our house, and has begun to side-step while holding onto the furniture. Riley is becoming more verbal, and has discovered books.
On our recent trip to Tulsa to visit family and friends, Riley said "Hi Grandma"...but wouldn't say it a second time. Riley frequented his usual spots this month: YMCA, Grandpa Jeff's, the park, and Tulsa. Some special memories this month were celebrating Riley's first Fourth of July, watching him read a book with Jon, celebrating Jon's first Father's Day, and going to Grandpa Jeff and Grandma BJ's for a BBQ.
I say this often, but I can't believe how fast he has grown.
I swear I just had him last month! Jon and I continue to feel blessed to have such a sweet boy in our lives, and look forward to celebrating Riley's first birthday later this month.